2009-03-02 1:26 AM
Footprint for STM32F103CBT6
2011-05-17 4:03 AM
Almost all the devices in Altium Designer comes in 3 footprint versions: L-M-N. The only difference in the footprint ''fitness'' to the standart.
Comparing with QFP_Thin_50P_Side_X.PcbLib , part TSQFP50P600X600-24, and one pad size: L is smallest : 0.25x1.55mm N is normal: 0.30x1.80mm M is largest: 0.30x2.10mm So it all rounds up to how you plan to solder the thing. For a hand-soldered job I would recommand going M all the way. For a machine placement, I would go with the fab's requirements on pad oversizing. -Relaxe2011-05-17 4:03 AM
Does anyone know the footprint for STM32F103CBT6? In altium designer 8 there are three types of footprint available and I do not know which one to choose. (LQFP48L LQFP48N LQFP48M) Thank you in advance. Tyleec [ This message was edited by: tyleec on 19-02-2009 07:47 ] :) [ This message was edited by: tyleec on 19-02-2009 09:48 ]2011-05-17 4:03 AM
Hi relaxe,
Thanks, I really appreciate your complete and detailed answer regarding Altium Designer Summer 08. BTW, I have to check with them for the new STM32 devices ( 144 & ...) to provides the footprint and libraries as well. :) Thanks again. Cheers, STOne-32.2011-05-17 4:03 AM
Thanks all! That really helps me a lot :D