2017-02-06 12:29 AM
Hi guys,
is there any possibility to update the STM32F303 via USART. I have two controller, one as a master the other one as Slave. The Master is connected via RS485 to a Host PC. I want to set the update the Master from the host and then automatically the Slave. Does anyone of you have experience with that? I would be happy when you give me some input.
#firmare-update2017-02-06 3:53 AM
Yes, it is possible.
See Application notes
and2017-02-06 4:03 AM
Hi David,
thanks a lot. When I read the STM32F303x4(6/8)/334xx/328xx devices bootloader I have one more question.
Is it possible to fetch the new firmware from Master PA9+PA10, send the Data over PB3+PB4 to the Slave and get the Data on the Slave on PB3+PB4? I think not, I have to take PA9 +PA10 correct?
2017-02-06 9:20 AM
Not sure I fully understood the question but you'd need to use PA9/PA10 or PA2/PA3 for interfacing with USART bootloader.
2017-02-06 10:57 PM
Hi David,
In my opinion Variante B is correct, do you agree?
2017-02-08 1:03 AM
Yes, B option is correct if you want to update via UART Slave device as well. Remember that BOOT0 pin needs to be pulled up in order to enter bootloader so make sure it is properly controlled.
2017-02-12 11:14 PM
Thanks David!