2016-01-29 7:27 AM
I am trying to measure practical speed of USB transfer in CDC device class for STM32746G-Discovery board and I can not find an example project in the cube. However, there is an example code for STM32756G_EVAL board. While trying to convert the project from EVAL board to Discovery board found that there are couple of files missing in the Discovery board folder in the STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.3.0.Missing files are:STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.3.0\Drivers\BSP\STM32746G-Discovery\stm32746g_discovery_io.c and stm32746g_discovery_io.hWithout these files I can not make a project for standalone CDC device class for Discovery board. Please let me know how can I fix it./Jagadeep. #stm32746g-discovery2016-01-29 10:23 AM
Does the DISCO have/use an IO expander? If it doesn't that might explain the lack of ''board support'' for it.
How did you create this project? Copy/renaming stuff? Take out the dependencies on non-existent hardware in the new project.2016-01-31 11:53 PM
All I wanted to know is practical USB transfer speed in CDC device class for High speed for different CLK frequencies. I have purchased STM32F7-Discovery board and downloaded STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.3.0.But I could not find an example project for High speed CDC device under STM32F7-Discovery folder. So, I tried following things.1) I found High Speed CDC device project for an Evaluation kit and tried to change certain environment variables and few files in ''Include Path'' (I am using AC6 IDE). I could able to convert the project from the Evaluation kit to Discovery except for IO files. 2) I have also tried to make a HS CDC device project from Cube GUI. I was successful in compiling and executing the source code, However, the generated code is different from the HS CDC device code. It did not had an option to change the LineCoding settings in the code or in other words, it did not used UartHande typedef. I want to make a HS CDC device project for STM32F7Discovery board where I can change the settings of UART (bit rate, parity, stopbits etc) and measure USB speed for different Bit rates and CLK frequencies./Jagadeep.2016-02-01 9:13 AM
You should be able to port the code, you need to address any differences in pin usage and hardware. Like I said there is no IO Expander in the design, so you can strip all that junk out for starters, and look at what pins/functionality that was adding and replace it with physical pin connectivity.
To do this you'd need to compare/contrast the schematics for both.