2008-02-17 8:27 PM
Fetching Data with GPIOs
2011-05-17 3:23 AM
Hi !
Did anybody check how fast data can be read in through the GPIO ports ? I have to read in 256 unsigned short values and store them in internal ram at a rate of 8MHz. Is this possible with the stm32 clocked with 72MHz. Is this also possible with the DMA ? regards Manfred2011-05-17 3:23 AM
I would have thought it would be fine as it can output at upto 50MHz.
don't know about the dma though haven't played with that2011-05-17 3:23 AM
Hi all,
There is an interesting example in this application Note : ''AN2548'' Using the STM32F101xx and STM32F103xx DMA controllerhttp://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/an/13529.pdf
: Section 4.3 : GPIO fast data transfer with DMA and also a source code is already provided :http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/an2548.zip
, Hope this helps you , Cheers, STOne-32 ;)2011-05-17 3:23 AM
really good example !!
but how fast is the max external clock trigger in this example ? the DMA need to be able to follow this and the program need to have a bit overhead also. but 8MHz or even 20Mhz should be possible in 16 bits that is 40MBytes/sec peak. I guess you will get problems at 30-40Mhz ?? or ??