2016-08-07 9:23 AM
Currently I use PA15 pin as external interrupt. The ISR routine is common for lines 10 through 15 and it is called EXTI15_10_IRQHandler. Now, I would like to have another signal connected to pin PB12, which has same IRQ Handler as PA15, and enable interrupt also for PB12. But I don't want to come into ISR when event on PB12 occurs. I just want to poll for the flag in EXTI->PR register. Interrupt (ISR) should occur only at event on PA15.Is this possible or should I move one signal to different pin?Thanks2016-08-17 12:47 AM
From what I saw, you have to put the signal into a different EXTI group. The pins 0-4 (I think) have their interrupts separated, EXTI9-5 and EXTI10-15 are shared and you can not find which pin it was without reading further data in ISR.