2017-01-04 12:39 AM
I am using STM32CubeMX and I want to use external crystal for clock. However, I face some problems,
1) I set Baudrate 9600 for uart2 and send data to computer but in computer I can read the data with 4800 baudrate via teraterm.
2) I use bluetooth module(HC-06) and I set baudrate 9600 for uart1 but I cannot read this data any baudrate.
I think, STM32CubeMX cannot set their clock frequencies.
Is there anyone face same problem or how can I fix this ? Any ideas ?
I use L053r8 chip
#external-clock2017-01-04 2:27 AM
,Have you try toOutput SYSCLK on MCO pin to be sure about your clock settings?
Could you please check the
Baud rate register (USART_BRR)?
could you please precise the over sampling method that you use?
The auto baud rate detection mode is activated in your case?
I recommend you to have a look to these examples to have idea about USART