2008-09-18 2:56 AM
execute code from NOR flash
2011-05-17 3:45 AM
Hello everybody,
I ve got the STM3210E-EVAL board. I try to execute the code from the external NOR flash. There is an example (NOR_CodeExecute) given by Raisonance that start the boot code in the internal flash and then jump to the code stored in the external NOR flash. On the boot code side, it is working fine, the program starts properly in the internal flash and then jump to the external NOR flash. The problem is, the external NOR flash is empty :) Does somebody know how I can load the external NOR flash with my code (bin file) Thanks in advance.2011-05-17 3:45 AM
RIDE can not program the external NOR flash. You can use EWARM4.x/5.x, RVMDK or Hitop.
Refer to: \FWLib\examples\FSMC\NOR_CodeExecute\binary2011-05-17 3:45 AM
Thank you.
I'm not happy having to install a new toolchain but I'll do it.2011-05-17 3:45 AM
Thanks jilisegiar.
It's working now. :D2011-05-17 3:45 AM
Thank you both. stm321 - suggest that you nofify RIDE - this is not in their interest - this is how they'll fix it. I salute your dedication in installing a 2nd toolchain. All may not be lost - sometimes one toolchain will ''squawk'' when you've done something ''unusual'' or borderline. When both toolchains ''complain'' - it IS you - when only one it can be you or the toolchain...