2008-07-18 3:42 AM
2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Hi All,
The new version of IAR(EWARM5.20A) is available now! www.iar.com\ewarm Rgds2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Hi everybody,
Just to highlight that this version supports the Cortex-M3 SWV/SWO: Cortex-M3 SWV (Single Wire Viewer) trace packets sent over the Cortex-M3 SWO channel can be presented by the debugger. The user have full control over the selection of trace packet types. The communication rate is 6 MHz when using J-Link v7 or newer (500 kHz for older J-Link versions) Printf via SWO at the click of a button: For Cortex-M3, printf output can be sent via the SWO channel (that is part of the SWD interface), and displayed in the debugger terminal I/O window. The advantage is real-time performance for debug log messages because the CPU does not need to be halted. To enable: Project Options>General Options>Library Configuration>Via SWO. Enjoy it!!2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Make sure you are using ''Y'' revision silicon STM32F10xxx chips with V5.20 otherwise you will have trouble.
http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/tn/14898.pdf My IAR STM32-SK demo board will not work now with EARWM V5.20 because it has old ''B'' silicon on it. Just found out today.2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Never one to ''condemn'' the Arm_Wrestler to more time in the ''dungeon'' - however me doth protest...
1) Using IAR KS V 5.20 2) Have STM32-SK demo board 3) STM32 on my board is Rev ''B06'' - assume this is Rev ''B'' And it appears to WORK - and I'm using SWV - saving ''lost'' JTAG pins. Would you be so good as to further detail, ''you will have trouble?'' Perhaps I have a different setting/set-up - be delighted if I could assist you/others...2011-05-17 3:39 AM
OK, I'll just ignore TN0067 and this warning message then.
[ This message was edited by: Arm_Wrestler on 16-07-2008 16:58 ] I'm having my micro pcb's stuffed today, so it was panic stations to see what version silicon had been procured. [ This message was edited by: Arm_Wrestler on 16-07-2008 17:01 ]2011-05-17 3:39 AM
It was not my intent to challenge or impugn - I simply was reporting my recent usage/findings. (hoping that this would/could SAVE you distress/monkey-motion) Apologies if I have offended. I can not read your post nor the jpg attachment - both are distorted. I would be willing to load/run sample programs/code - and report my results - in the spirit of shedding additional light on your issue...2011-05-17 3:39 AM
I just got a STM3210B-Eval board (loaner) and downloaded the evaluation version of IAR 5.20 but I don't have a JTAG program the board. I'm able to use DFUSE to ''upgrade'' the code in the board using the supplied images. I can successfully build the Eval demo project and generate a .hex file using the Output converter set up ''Intel Extended''. I load up DFU file manager, generate a .dfu file and ''upgrade'' the board using Dfuse. When I leave DFU mode is just goes back to DFU mode and the LCD screen is white. Is there anything I need to change in IAR to build a hex file that works with the DFU? Thanks in advance! ettore2011-05-17 3:39 AM
I have 2 such eval boards - in addition to the version Arm_Wrestler mentions. Each of my STM3210B's was ''pre-loaded'' with code - the TFT lcd came to life with power up and the Leds displayed a ''chase'' pattern. Did your board behave in this manner when you first received/powered it? Are your Boot0/1 switches in the correct position? Believe that there is a 40+ pg. ''Board User Guide'' available under the ''Documents'' section of this web-site. Study this & see if this helps...2011-05-17 3:39 AM
Sorry if I came over all grumpy. I'm up to my armpits in new pcb's and unfinished f/w. Did you try clicking on my jpg 3 times to zoom in to see the warning box clearly ? The fact is if ST & IAR say in their TN0067: ''While running the tests with this new toolchain revision, STMicroelectronics and IAR found some incompatibility with revisions B and Z of the STM32F10xxx Medium-density devices. ST recommends to use the latest revision of the STM32F10xxx Medium-density, that is revision Y.'' There must be a good reason for this and I would tend to believe them and heed their advice. I intend to use the latest V5.20 and hence latest silicon and follow the recommended path. I do value your knowledgeable and experienced input in this forum. Now back to the dungeon ! :(