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Ethernet Layer 2 Broadcast

Abhishek Anand
Associate II
Posted on June 04, 2018 at 20:29

Hello Everyone,

I need help to send data packets on Ethernet but i want to broadcast it to all the other device on network. For now i want to send hardcoded data which later could be changed. In STMcubeMx i've checked Ethernet, RCC and SYS. Do i need to add any middleware for Layer 2 broadcast? I'm confused with all the API's provided and couldn't figure out a proper way to do it. I'm using STM32F2207ZG(Nucleo-144). Any sort of help is appreciated. Thank You.

ST Employee
Posted on June 05, 2018 at 14:59




Have a look at this

user manual, in paragraph 'B.3.6 LwIP' for the STM32CubeMX LwIP configuration side.

You'll probably want to review Ethernet application available in the STM32CubeF2 firmware package:


Hope this bring you some help.

With Regards,


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Abhishek Anand
Associate II
Posted on June 05, 2018 at 16:09

Thank You


‌, that helps.

Posted on June 06, 2018 at 17:33




Thank You very much for your help but I guess LwIP middleware is used if i'm trying to assign an ip to my board or want it to work with TCP/IP protocols, correct me if i'm wrong i'm new to this? But what i'm trying to do is to send an ethernet packet just using the mac address assigned to mydevkit and flood all the other devices on the network using destination address ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff. I don't want to assign any ip address to my board i want to transfer ethernet packet just by the mac address(Mac address broadcast). Do i need to include LwIP for this?