2014-10-09 4:31 AM
Hello everybody!
I am working with STM32F437ZGT6 device and using PTP processing. This appears to run OK. Now I must generate a pulse-per-second signal (PPS) with the Ethernet module. The main problem is that pins PB5 and PG8 (enabling AF11 they can act as ETH_PPS_OUT) are not available, they are used for other purposes :( The pin to use for the PPS signal is PF10. I have though to enable AF15 (SYS) so PF10 will act as EVENTOUT. But I don't know how to ''link'' the PPS output of the Ethernet MAC to the pin PF10. Next image is extracted from the Reference Manual (p. 1145).2014-10-09 4:57 AM
> But I don't know how to ''link'' the PPS output of the Ethernet MAC to the pin PF10.
You can't. The output matrix is not that flexible and you can't assign peripheral functions to arbitrary pins. So, the only thing you can do is to free up one of the PB5/PG8 pins and assign PPS there. JW2014-10-14 8:10 AM
I am understand: PPS output only can be redirected to PB5 or PG8. I will use a timer with interruption to generate the pulse. Thanks, Jose A.