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Enable VCP on STM32F072 Discovery kit?

Hugo Arends
Associate II

Hi community,

I'm using the STM32F072 Discovery kit (

The ST-LINK/V2 embedded debug tool on the STM32F072 Discovery kit doesn't support a virtual comport (VCP).

However, from the schematics in the User Manual (UM1690) I can see that pins PA9 (USART1_TX) and PA10 (USART1_RX) of the target microcontroller can be connected to the embedded debug tool by closing solder bridges SB11 and SB12.

This makes me wonder: is there a way to upgrade the embedded debug tool of the STM32F072 Discovery kit to enable VCP support?

Kind regards,



The VCP variant needs a more competent F103 part with mbed/MSC/VCP firmware.

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Hugo Arends
Associate II

Thanks, that makes sense.

Still I'm wondering why USART1_TX and USART1_RX can be connected to the F103 and if there perhaps is another way to use the F103 to export these signals.

Hugo Arends
Associate II

I've asked an ST employee at Embedded World 2019. There is no other way to use the USART1_TX and USART1_RX signals. They were (probably) added for future use.