2023-09-28 2:27 AM
Hello every one
I want to use EMMC instead of SD card with SDIO interface with STM32F407VET6.
I have tried SD 1bit and 4bits wide bus. (I am choosing SD to enable FATFS)
First I've used f_mkfs to create a File System on the eMMC. It returns FR_OK. And then f_mount to mount the eMMC.
The problem is, the f_mount returns FR_DISK_ERROR and cannot mount the eMMC.
My point is testing the board that if I can communicate with the eMMC or not and then using a file system to store files on it. First I'm looking for a way to make sure that my hardware works and I need help for that.
FATFS fatfs;
FIL TestFile;
UINT bw, br;
FRESULT fresult;
BYTE work[4096];
fresult = f_mkfs ("", NULL, 16384, work, sizeof work);
fresult = f_mount (&fatfs, "", 1);