2019-02-06 5:53 AM
I have problems to get the example code running, few functions aren't known. I changed them to HAL-functions which were written (nearly) the same.
But the Code fails just in the beginning. At the moment I try to erase the on-board external flash.
Is it on purpose that the latest "STM32CubeH7"-package doesn't has the examples I found previously?
In the appendix I have the directory of the examples I have and the project I came up with.
I´m happy with every hint.
PS: Where does the variable "CmdCplt" get set? I just see initialization and getting reset .. no callback-function which sets this ...?
PPS: Thank you very much!
2019-02-07 6:35 AM
The H753 and H743 should be very similar. Just the CRYPT hardware enabled.
I'd expect the projects to have two build options. Potentially different command line defines.
Lacking context here and confused by the large downloads. Just cite the download source.
What compiler/tools are you using?
Which CubeH7 release do these files come from?
Which projects are missing?
Which project specifically are you building?
>>But the Code fails just in the beginning. At the moment I try to erase the on-board external flash.
During the download or execution. Perhaps a screen shot illustrating "fail".
2019-02-07 9:08 AM
Thank you very much for the response!
I use VisualStudio(15.9.4) and VisualGDB(5.4.2).
CubeMX (5.0.0) might have some bugs? it freezes sometimes
STM32H7 Package (1.3.0)
the gettingStarted is a project of mine, where I have copied the example code in. (it´s so big because (i think) I have added all used libraries in CubeMX.
The examples folder was in an older download of the STM32H7 package (i suppose, because the file structure is the same, but its from a colleague of mine)
Now in the appendix are just the .c-files and .h-files.
2019-02-07 9:31 AM
Try using some pro tools like Keil or IAR to build/test the examples, these are the ones ST targets primarily, the others are outliers.
I don't use CubeMX so really can't assist or advise about it's use. The HAL examples are generally pretty good starting points, but are rather simplistic/naive implementations that don't go far beyond the basic demonstration of the single facet of the hardware.
cmdcplt would need to be changed by a callback which doesn't seem to be present. You would need to review the project the code was culled from.