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Does it exist texts database library for STM32?


Does it exist texts database library for STM32? like this for Arduino

PS - I need to read from library and write to library.


Why would it need to be STM32 specific?

Why wouldn't any light-weight C implementation suffice?

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I did not quite correctly asked a question, I'm beginner... Of course, any lightweight "С" implementation will be ok. 

I found only it is

Maybe someone advise better solution?

It's not entirely clear what the "database" will do for you here, that you couldn't manage with say arrays or linked-list of structures. Most people just come up with a very tailored solution, not a full blown database manager.

>> I need to read from library and write to library.

Eh? Does this involve files? Storing the data in some semi-permanent manner?

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Thanks for the answer! I'm not strong in programming and thought that the "database" would make to me easier my life...