2013-10-14 4:35 AM
Does anyone of you ever use M41TC8025? I'm looking for an example code for STM32 if there's available .. thanks2013-10-14 6:44 AM
If you divulged what you were talking about, maybe someone had ideas about something similar.
What is M41TC8025? Erik2013-10-14 7:08 AM
Google says
2013-10-14 7:20 AM
looking for a datasheet I checked DigiKey, my favorite ''lookup place'' If they have the device, there is (usually) a link to the datasheet.
Checking the link the answer to the OP get simple: Hook it up using I²c (there is all the code you need available) and do the rest using the datasheet Erik2013-10-17 11:42 PM
2013-10-18 4:42 AM
I'm not keeping track of what STM32 part specifically you're using, but Erik is probably referring to the I2C examples within the firmware libraries, and for the EVAL boards (EEPROM, IO Extenders, etc).
The mechanics for other parts should be similar wrt addresses/registers.For support of specific ST parts you might want to contact your local ST rep or FAE