2011-04-13 10:32 AM
Is it possible to transfer data from ADC to FLASH using DMA?
The following snippet does not work for me:
DMA_InitStructure.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = ADC1_DR_Address;
DMA_InitStructure.DMA_MemoryBaseAddr = (uint32_t)0x0801FC02;
Any suggestion / pointers?
Thank you,
2011-04-13 10:45 AM
Any suggestion / pointers?
It's not a good plan, pick another one. Define what you want to achieve, the amount of data involved, and the bandwidth requirements. How often is the data going to be replaced? Writing into flash while running from flash will result in very serious stalling of the processor, this will negatively impact interrupt latency and data overruns (USART). Perhaps some battery backed external SRAM might be more suitable.2011-04-14 1:03 AM
Got it,
Thank you.