2009-08-25 9:12 AM
2011-05-17 4:21 AM
Is there any differene between STM32F103R6T6 (NRND) & STM32F103R6T6A?? I know that ''A'' or blank1 is some internal code: ''For STM32F103x6 devices with a blank Internal code, please refer to the STM32F103x8/B datasheet available from the ST website: www.st.com.''; So if i buy STM32F103R6T6 i've got STM32F103R8???2011-05-17 4:21 AM
If you buy a ''STM32F103R6T6'' , we {STMicroelectronics :-)} will send you ''STM32F103R6T6A'' device which is a Performance line - LQFP64 ad having 32Kbytes of Flash. STM32F103R6T6 without ''A'' at the end ; is no more existing now, However Two years ago it was the same device as ''STM32F103x8/B'' having the upper part of the Flash is not fully tested and qualified by our manufacturing. This note in our data-sheet is for our existing customers who already have in their production the old STM32F103R6T6. Hope this helps you. Cheers, STOne-32. [ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 25-08-2009 21:43 ]