2013-05-25 3:42 AM
1.)i have a little confusion, if controller can differentiate between system reset and power on reset itself?mean i want to skip few lines of code on system reset but not on power on reset2.) i have a stm32f4 discovery kit. while checking a long array of 3000 plus bytes. it truncates the rest of valuesthank u in advance Bilal2013-05-25 4:27 AM
b) just sounds like a coding failure on your part, without providing code you're asking everyone to guess what you've done wrong.
a) Not sure I fully understand the question, but there are many ways to look at this. You have things like PWR_GetFlagStatus() and RCC_GetFlagsStatus(), and you can also place magic values in SRAM. A combination of these technics should permit you to determine if the system was previously powered and initialized. Remember the PWR/BKP domain has a different/independent reset. You can check it and the RTC.2013-05-25 5:48 AM
2013-05-25 7:01 AM
If you are allocating this space as a local/automatic variable you need to be aware of the stack size allocation. Keil normally has this in the startup_stm32f4xx.s. You'd need to copy this file to your local project directory, and remove the read-only attribute before doing a remove/add of the file into the project groups it's currently in.