2019-07-17 4:24 AM
Hello, I'm new to the stm community, I have a stm32f103 (blue pill) board with st link debugger, however moving on from arduino IDE I'm having hard time picking up from source codes or writing one myself ( I'm using system workbench and cubeMX ). can anyone suggest any kind of course, ebook, or something that will help me learn programming and using the board?
2019-08-12 7:54 AM
What you really want to do is load a example project into your ide and make sure you can build it. Then manually look at the startup file and see what routines are called in order to get the project working. Go to those routines and read the code or get a over all feel for what its doing. One of the first things that happen is the clocks are setup and the correct chip is chosen. This all happens before main is even called.
2019-08-12 8:08 AM
I learned how to use micro-controllers, and program in C many years ago, I applied that to STM32 later.
STM32 step by step? https://www.st.com/content/st_com/en/support/learning/stm32-education/stm32-step-by-step.html
Geoffrey Brown STM32 https://cs.indiana.edu/~geobrown/book.pdf
Cortex M3/M4 Joseph Yiu https://www.amazon.com/Definitive-Guide-Cortex%C2%AE-M3-Cortex%C2%AE-M4-Processors/dp/0124080820
Other suggestions
STM32 Programming Manual https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/technical/document/programming_manual/5b/ca/8d/83/56/7f/40/08/CD00228163.pdf/files/CD00228163.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.CD00228163.pdf
Mazadi STM32 https://www.amazon.com/STM32-Arm-Programming-Embedded-Systems/dp/0997925949
Norris STM32 https://www.amazon.com/Programming-STM32-Getting-Started-Nucleo-ebook/dp/B07B6TY9Z9