2016-02-25 02:12 AM
Hi everybody,
I am using stm32f103 controller in that I have used a structure which have few flags (1 bit member), few char member and few Float member for reading and some data and controlling it.I am reading data and using it in different functions but sometime my data become 0 0 or garbage. sometime anyone data member of the structure become garbage. #memory-corruption2016-02-25 02:59 AM
Most probably a coding error than one with the chip.
Check that your stack allocation is sufficient.2016-02-26 03:08 AM
I have increased stack size and heap size even though the same issues.
Some variables are only changed at a single place but sometime it become 0. I don't know what is the issues?2016-02-26 03:41 AM
Ok, but understand that I have zero visibilty into your issue, you need to make a better presentation of what's running rather than just the symptoms of the failure.
What compiler is being used? Does the failure go away if you turn off optimization? Does it fail repeatedly in the exact same way? Do you have DMA or interrupt activity? Are you overclocking the part? Have you verified the clock speeds and flash states?