2016-07-25 4:54 AM
Hi. I have problem with finding interrupt subroutine which Is called when DAC DMA underrun interrupt event happen. There isn't any DAC IRQ in which I can check status like this:
if(DAC_GetITStatus(DAC_Channel_1, DAC_IT_DMAUDR) == SET){ } thx for help, cheers.2016-07-25 6:40 AM
Doesn't it just share TIM6_DAC_IRQHandler ? ; TIM6 and DAC1&2 underrun errors
2016-07-25 6:58 AM
Can I use this handler even when using other timer for DAC ?
2016-07-25 8:19 AM
Can I use this handler even when using other timer for DAC ?
Why would it matter? You need to enable the TIM6_DAC interrupt in the NVIC, enable the IT flags in the DAC, and filter/qualify the source of the interrupt in the handler. You won't see any TIM6 interrupts unless you enable them in the TIM.2016-07-25 9:03 AM
OK. For me it's quite strange that the same interrupt handler is used for two different peripherial.
Thx for help.