2016-08-12 3:31 PM
I'm new to programming the STM32 micro. That's way the Cubemx tool is very helpful for initializing the STM32. Also ther are a lot of examples in the repository, but i don't understand why the examples are not writen in CubeMX if there are provided with the tool? The tool save me a lot of time for initializing, but i spend a lot of time to figure out how is the correct usage of initialized files (functions), and import the provided example in repository to CubeMX generated project.2016-08-14 9:28 AM
The Idea of STM32CubeMX is very good in my opinion. But the tool itself is not finished (yet?). Even ST itself is not using it in their examples. About that there has been several comments in this forum.
I have used blocking ADC and blocking serial io functions from Cube. They were easy enough that I could do it just by guessing.2016-08-15 8:53 AM
Hi kolja111
,Note that , STM32CubeMX is a graphical interface which performs the following functions:
• Fast and easy configuration of the MCU pins, clock tree and operating modes for the selected peripherals and middleware
• Generation of pin configuration report for board designers
• Generation of a complete project with all the necessary libraries and initialization C code to set up the device in the user defined operating mode.
Thus, The project generated is an initialization project
used as base for the user's application and can be directly open in the selected application development environment (for a selection of supported IDEs) to proceed with application development.
For the library examples, there is a plan in the future to give the ''.ioc'' files used for Initialization.
2016-08-16 4:41 AM
the usage of CubeMx is easy understandable for me. But it would be nice, to see the proper usage of functions, generated from the tool and which function do i have to call. So it would be great that the examples are made in CubeMX generated files.I do not expect that ST updates the examples for all developmen boards but only the newest like STML4 and STM32F7, that have been introduced long after the CubeMX tool.