2009-03-10 1:48 AM
2011-05-17 4:05 AM
Has anybody ported a BASIC interpreter to the STM32?
Or does anybody know of a suitable one? Chris.2011-05-17 4:05 AM
BASIC, eh...? ;)
It's been done on 8051s, so I s'pose an STM32 should be able to hack it...! eg, see ''BASIC-52 Plus'' here: See also ''BASIC52/RD2'' here:2011-05-17 4:05 AM
That one seems to be written in Assembler - not sure I fancy porting that one!
Chris.2013-01-13 7:02 PM
I have a version of BASIC coming along and currently running on STM32F103R
2013-01-14 12:21 AM
Not quite what you asked for, but you might like to look at,
which uses a Cortex M3 device.