2013-02-25 4:01 AM
This is a piece of code from usb_core.c
/* set Rx FIFO size */ USB_OTG_WRITE_REG32(&pdev->regs.GREGS->GRXFSIZ, RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE); /* EP0 TX*/ nptxfifosize.b.depth = TX0_FIFO_FS_SIZE; nptxfifosize.b.startaddr = RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE; USB_OTG_WRITE_REG32( &pdev->regs.GREGS->DIEPTXF0_HNPTXFSIZ, nptxfifosize.d32 );It allocatesRX_FIFO_FS_SIZE for RX_FIFO and starts EP0 TX FIFO atnptxfifosize.b.startaddr = RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE;But according to reference manualDIEPTXF0_HNPTXFSIZ is allocated in 32-bit words. So actuallyRX_FIFO_FS_SIZE*4 were allocated and thus TX0 FIFO should start atRX_FIFO_FS_SIZE*4 address.Where a bug is? Is it in source code or in reference manual?2013-02-25 10:43 PM
You are mixing up ''address'' and ''size''.
Address starts from zero, as usual in digital sense. When the RX memory block of RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE is taken from zero, the next block (for non-periodical TX) starts at RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE. next start address = 0 + RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE = RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE The value of RX_FIFO_FS_SIZE should be aware of 4-byte alignment (ie. multiple of 4). Tsuneo2013-02-25 10:49 PM
It is all clear to me.
I was confused about sentence in reference manual ''is allocated in terms of 32-bit words.''
It means that value is multiplied by 4.
I tihnk you are right that it is just 4 bytes aligned and it is a mistake in manual.