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Compatible SDIO voltage translator for STM32F413



We are designing STM32F413ZHJ6 at 1.8V and are looking for a suitable level translator to 3.3V for the on-board microSD connector. I'm considering NXS0506UP or NVT4858. Just wondering if these parts would be compatible with the STM32? Any suggestion?




Perhaps, but I don't recall the F4 having a direction pin, or a clock feedback path. Some of the H7 have this to facilitate a buffer, and lower voltages in Ultra / DDR modes, etc.

Suspect you'd need to prototype and test.

There are eMMC that will work at 1.8V as I recall

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Hi Tesla,

Thanks. The STM32F4 only supports SDIO v2.00 so it will only be running in non-UHS modes. The translators I shared are auto-directional so direction pin should not be required.

I don't entirely understand the purpose of clock feedback (provided by most SDIO voltage translators) and when  would it be required. Could you share some thoughts? 

The feedback clock allows the peripheral to handle the delay / skewing of the signals across the shifter in the return path.

I'd want to see this work before building hundreds of boards.

Look at H7 rather than F4

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