2023-01-31 3:48 AM
I try to generete interrupt when CNT register reach any value. But It generete when I enabled to interrupt EGR bit is always zero. when I try to change accept first bit not effected.
It is configuration
capture = TIM_GetCapture2(ExternalOSCTimer);
TIM_SetCompare2(ExternalOSCTimer, capture + .DelayOverFlow);
TIM_ITConfig(ExternalOSCTimer, TIM_IT_CC2, ENABLE);
2023-01-31 9:15 AM
Find the Nucleo closest to the STM32 that you use.
Download STM32Cubexxx SW HAL library and examples and search for Timer examples with interrupt.
2023-02-02 4:16 AM
If you're going to answer like this, please don't.
2023-02-02 5:19 AM
I can't see any problem. From what I can see, compare interrupt fires correctly - see the SR register. EGR has nothing to do with it.
If you are going to ask for help like this, please don't.