2020-08-19 2:57 AM
For example how can i do this with stm32f030cc?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-08-23 5:42 AM
I hope you can understand what did i do in this codes :grinning_face: .
I change value of address of nop codes.
ldr r1, =(0x0800040c) // address of first saver nop
ldr r0, =(0x2555) ; ldr r5, =(0x55)
str r0, [r1]
ldr r1, =(0x08000410) // address of second saver nop
ldr r0, =(0x2455) ; ldr r4, =(0x55)
str r0, [r1]
nop // first saver nop) ldr r5, =(0x55)
nop // nop this should nop because it is stucking when you load new code here
nop // second saver nop) ldr r4, =(0x55)
;nop // if you will save new code this nop should nop
;nop // if you save new code, you can save new code here
2020-08-19 3:02 AM
Look for In-Application programming (IAP)
2020-08-19 5:11 AM
No, you did not understand,
i mean that if you will give cods, it will write cods of memory and when you said start it will make that cods.
And you can change that cods while it is still working(while it is waiting you).(no programmer connecting)
I want to make this own.
2020-08-19 6:01 AM
What is cods? You said it 4 times, it can't be a typo.
You can program flash memory with the HAL_FLASH_Program* routines.
2020-08-19 6:26 AM
See assorted FLASH library examples included with CubeF0
See also the library code, as it indicates some usage methods
2020-08-19 12:06 PM
Sorry, :D
It is completely a typo.
Thank you for reply.
2020-08-19 12:08 PM
Thanks for Reply.
Can i do this with assembly language ? (just i need writing a code to flash and then play that code)
I found Embedded Flash memory in Reference manual but
How can i write this for example "ldr r1, 0x1" ?
2020-08-19 1:14 PM
Pretty sure I could write it in assembly
"movs r1, #1" ?
Got STM32L4 code that has the following form
; Uses r0,r1
EXPORT _UnlockFlash
_UnlockFlash ldr r0, =0x40022000 ; FLASH CTRL
ldr r1, [r0, #0x14] ; FLASH_CR
orrs r1, r1 ; LOCK - Bit 31
bpl _UnlockFlash10
ldr r1, =0x45670123 ; KEY1
str r1, [r0, #0x08] ; FLASH_KEYR
ldr r1, =0xCDEF89AB ; KEY2
str r1, [r0, #0x08]
_UnlockFlash10 bx lr
2020-08-21 4:52 AM
Thanks for reply
I will try this
I could not understand your question.
And i want to ask some questions about your codes.
1)Can you explain this code 'orrs r1, r1' ?
Is that same with this ?
FLASH_interface EQU 0x40022000
BIT31 EQU 1 << 31
ldr r0, =(FLASH_interface + FLASH_CR)
ldr r1, [r0]
ldr r0, =(BIT31)
str r0, r1
Not1):I tried your codes in simulation mode and its warning me that lr is empty.
It is saying that this will cause a HardFault.
There is no return address.
Not2): I tried your codes in STM32L4 simulation, but i think that it is not working or i could not understand what is it doing. Can you explane more, please ?
I searched keys are must be write but still i dont know how will i write something to the flash.I think i will write in banks.
but if i wrote a code like "ldr r0, =0x1", how can i read or run that ?
Is Writing to banks like flash_cr select page then lock then write you datas then unlock change page lock ... ?
Why we need start or end point ?
I succeed write and read but how will i run this hexadecimal code of like ldr r0, =(0x1) ?
I should do pointer.
2020-08-22 9:44 AM
I can not go flash memory to run with pointer.
Sat Aug 22, 2020 19:45:04: Warning: The instruction at 0x08000416 tried to branch to the aligned (ARM) address 0x4002202C. This will cause a HardFault.
Is there no way to run a code after save somewhere ?
Could i run a code that in a register ?