2018-06-28 6:32 AM
Dear colleagues,
Could you please help to understand CAN 'bus-off' operational in a correct way? (can not find a proper description in the Reference manual for STM32F4).
Some assumptions
a) Suppose that ABOM bit in the CAN_MCR register bxCAN was set (The Bus-Off state is left automatically by hardware once 128 occurrences of 11 recessive bits have been monitored). Suppose that at the end of the time-periodic cycle (10ms) I send CAN-frame. Also, NART (No-Automatic retransmission bit) was set to 0 (i.e. the CAN hardware will automatically retransmit the message until it has been successfully transmitted according to the CAN standard).b)Suppose I get some failure on CAN-bus, and can not transmit anymore via CAN, before I send my next CAN-frame at the end of 10ms cycle.
Now the questions
1)Is it correct that after I load my frame into CAN-transmit register at the end of 10ms cycle I will get 'error bus-off interrupt' after 255/8 attempts to send this frame(TEC reach 255)?2)Is it correct that at the end of the next 10ms cycle when I again will try to load my frame into transmit register I will get 'error bus-off interrupt' immediately (TEC already 255)? Will I get this 'error bus-off interrupt' every time I will try to load frame into transmit register while bxCAN in the bus-off state? Is it correct that this BOFF from CAN error status register remains set all the time while bxCAN in the bus-off state (TEC=255)?
3)Suppose that this failure on CAN-bus somehow faded, and I receive this 'recovery sequence' i.e. bxCAN now does not in the 'bus-off' state. Will it mean that TEC is reset to 0 by hardware? Will it mean that BOFF from CAN error status register is reset to 0 by hardware? Will I get normal transmit interrupt in the case of attempt to load some frame into CAN-transmit register?
2018-06-28 5:05 PM
I believe that the BusOff functionality is only there to save the CanBus transmitters.
If two devices transmit the same MsgID but thew data is different, you will crash the bus and ABOM circuit will shut down the transmitters.
You should never see an ABOM event. but always leave it set.
Are you using a Transceiver ?
without a transceiver you need to pull up the RX pin.