2016-06-19 5:00 AM
It seems that the clock frequency for the I2S peripheral assumes another clock source (PCLK1 ??) than it should. When PCLK1 is different from SYSCLK this results in erronous calculations.
In the data sheet of the STM32L100 it is specified as follows: ''Figure 274 presents the communication clock architecture.. The I2SxCLK source is the system clock (provided by the HSI, the HSE or the PLL, and sourcing the AHB clock).''2016-06-20 2:20 AM
Hi Brainport.NL,
Thank you for your feedback. The issue has been reported internally. -Syrine-2017-06-30 8:44 AM
Dear user,
First I would like to thank you for your feedback.
For me the datasheet is correct.
The I2S clock is sysclok.
Then the I2S is connected to a SPI bus for data/registers settings.
Could you please elaborate a bit ?
Kind regards