2009-08-24 7:21 AM
2011-05-17 3:42 AM
I am looking for benchmarks comparing the SMT32 to Coldfire V1/V2.
thanks2011-05-17 3:42 AM
Hi jrubis,
STM32 is embedding (ARM Cortex-M3 Core) that performs 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) out of flash at 0 wait state. Coldfire V2 performs 0.9 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) Did you have some particular testing on Coldfire ? you can share with STM32 Forums users. Thank you. STOne-32.2011-05-17 3:42 AM
If we say that ARM7 has also 0.9 DMIPS/MHz (arm.com faq) than I'll say that my test application run 40% faster on STM32 than ARM7. CPU freq was 48 MHz. Both CPUs were set for 1 waitstate (or equivalent on ARM7 - not from ST).
I didn't measure DMIPS though. BTW, note the '0 wait state'! :)2011-05-17 3:42 AM
I think, STOne means 0 wait states from RAM.
For Flash it is: 0 <= 24 MHz, 1 <=48 MHz and 2 above... :(2011-05-17 3:42 AM
Hi jrubis,
STM32 is embedding (ARM Cortex-M3 Core) that performs 1.25 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) out of flash at 0 wait state. Coldfire V2 performs 0.9 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1) I thought at 72 MHz you must insert 2 wait states? Did you have some particular testing on Coldfire ? you can share with STM32 Forums users. Thank you. STOne-32. No. I am acutally looking for any benchmark data. We are in the process of selecting a micro for a new project and the two options are the STM32(STM32F101R6T6 / STM32F103RBT6) and a Coldfire V1 (MCF51QE32 / MCF51AC). Care to offer your opinion :D2011-05-17 3:42 AM
> I think, STOne means 0 wait states from RAM.
> For Flash it is: 0 <= 24 MHz, 1 <=48 MHz and 2 above... no, he means 1.25 DMIPS/MHz out of flash at 0 wait state, a ratio that can't be obtained running above 24Mhz without overclocking the flash.2011-05-17 3:42 AM
Hi Jrubis,
I'm not familiar with MCF51AC nor MCF51QE32 devices but looking at data-sheet, I see that these micros can run - Up to 50.33 MHz at 2.7 V – 5.5 V �? Provide 0.94 Dhrystone 2.1 DMIPS per MHz performance when running from internal RAM and 0.76 DMIPS per MHz when running from flash. So To compare them to STM32 we should be out of Flash and at the maximum CPU Speed that you would like to run your application. Note that STM32 Family has two series Access 101 ( Up to 36MHz ) and Performance (Up to 72 Mhz) and can run at all the VDD range from 2.0Volts to 3.6Volts at this speed. Is it possible to provide me your configuration , so I can give you some estimation in terms of Maximum DMIPS that we can achieve ? Cheers, STOne-32. [ This message was edited by: STOne-32 on 19-08-2008 16:20 ]2011-05-17 3:42 AM
We know STM32 run at 1.25 DMIPS @ 0 wait states (up to 24MHz on flash). What is DMIPS @ 1 wait states (up to 48Mhz in flash) and @ 2 wait states that is DMIPS at on flash at max speed please ? Regards Sylvain