2012-01-22 6:24 PM
Hi all,
I am trying to use the arm_cortexM4lf_math.lib in one of my projects, but the linker cannot find it. I have tried just about everything (setting library / library paths etc), but I am a bit new to ST/ARM/Atollic so I was hoping someone could help me out here. Here's the error message:c:/program files/atollic/truestudio for stmicroelectronics stm32 lite 2.3.0/armtools/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-atollic-eabi/4.5.1/../../../../arm-atollic-eabi/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lC:\Users\Oli\Atollic\TrueSTUDIO\STM32_workspace\BTS0.0.3\Libraries\arm_cortexM4lf_math.libcollect2: ld returned 1 exit statusBuild error occurred, build is stoppedTime consumed: 407 ms. Now for the strange part:Up until today my project compiled fine and could see the library ?! As far as I remember the problems started when I tried to include another library (the PDM library that comes with the Discovery F4 firmware) It couldn't find the new library, so I tried to point it to it, no luck. Then it couldn't see either, and finally it couldn't even see my .elf file. At this point I downloaded the latest version of Atollic and created a new project in a separate directory, made sure there were no spaces in any of the path names and tried to import the library again (I've tried importing, linking, dragging dropping, copying, etc) but I still couldn't get it to see the library. I've even tried a couple of other libraries to see if I can get it to work, but NO libraries can be seen now. I'm truly puzzled by this one...Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.TIA #stm32-atollic-libraries-library2012-01-23 10:13 AM
You're not the only one to have this problem, and it's basically because Atollic Lite sucks. Anything that should work is crippled, or broken, the easy is made hard.
If you must use Atollic, contact their support and tell them you can't effectively evaluate their tools. Ask for a 30-day trial of the full version. Then do yourself a favour and download an Eval copy of Keil, IAR, or Rowley, do a real evaluation, and decide which works best for you.2012-01-23 11:34 AM
Thanks for the reply. I was beginning to get the feeling I should be looking elsewhere. When a tool falls over this easily it doesn't fill me with much confidence for the future.
I was looking at the Raisonance/Rowley offerings and they look capable enough for our current needs. Basically we just want a solid, no frills IDE, with reasonable support/documentation that does what you tell it to :) Any views on Raisonance?2012-01-23 1:04 PM
I can't speak to Raisonance, I should probably take a look, and perhaps Code Red.
Rowley, I like, and have a seat for the 1.6/1.7 era version for some STR7 and STR9 work, I have only looked briefly at 2.x eval with the STM32F4. I'm not particularly hot for GCC ARM compilers, they are certainly workable, and you can pull a copy of WinARM or Yagarto that will build for the STM32F1xx. They are not particularly good embedded compilers, and I can get better code density from other tools. Realview/Keil, we have a few seats here. They lead the space, pity the don't also support MIPS or Sparc. The evaluations are code limited, but should give you a good sense of functionality, as they are not totally crippled. IAR is also pretty good, I've evaluated a couple of versions, but always been frustrated with their quirky editor, and things I want to get to are buried or non-obvious/intuitive. Perhaps I need to digest the manual, but as an eval I'd like to accomplish a couple of basic tasks without pulling my hair out, and only have to dig into the documentation for complex tasks. Above all however, I would strongly recommend trying them all for yourself, even if briefly, it is all about personal preference and familiarity, and not what a bunch of people on the internet say.