2015-01-28 5:26 AM
Hello there,
I am using eclipse and arm gnu eclipse plugin. It comes with HAL instead of SPL. Most of the available examples out there are SPL and I need to rely on that as I am a begginer in STM32 world. So i tried to add the SPL to my project from here: http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF257901 I am using stm32f4discovery board. The problem is now that I cannot compile the code anymore as I am missing symbols. For example it says that i have no CRYP... symbols. I have looked into the stm32f407vg datasheet and it seemd that there is no CRYP module for it. I dont know why didnt it ignore it then but ok, I have removed the CRYP files. Then the same happened with DMA2 and FLASH and that I believe is present in this mcu... I Would really aprichiate if someone could help me configuring SPL for ARM gnu eclipse enviroment. I have removed the USE_HAL symbol.2015-01-28 7:38 AM
So where I am standing now is that I cannot compile the SPL code because the compiller doesnt see the FMC_Bank1 definition and many others from the FMC file. They are defined in preprocessor:
#if defined (STM32F40_41xxx)
#define FSMC_Bank1 ((FSMC_Bank1_TypeDef *) FSMC_Bank1_R_BASE) #define FSMC_Bank1E ((FSMC_Bank1E_TypeDef *) FSMC_Bank1E_R_BASE) #define FSMC_Bank2 ((FSMC_Bank2_TypeDef *) FSMC_Bank2_R_BASE) #define FSMC_Bank3 ((FSMC_Bank3_TypeDef *) FSMC_Bank3_R_BASE) #define FSMC_Bank4 ((FSMC_Bank4_TypeDef *) FSMC_Bank4_R_BASE) #endif /* STM32F40_41xxx */ And I do have the STM32F40_41xxx symbol defined in code and also in eclipse settings... I have found someone having simmilar problem here: https://www.mikrocontroller.net/topic/313745 But the problem is I dont understand german and google translate cant handle it :(.