2015-08-06 10:30 AM
Searched the STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.1.0 library but could not find an example for the SPDIF interface. Is there any example somewhere that I could use for the SPDIF Rx connection? Regards, Christos2015-08-14 11:21 AM
I really need a sample SPDIFRX setup.
Tried the ST support but no actual details were given so far. I just want a simple CubeMX setup guide on what values to put there. Can someone please help me on that? Christos2015-08-14 11:43 AM
I guess ''simple'' is subjective, if any of this was simple, then the Reference Manual really should provide enough of the mechanics to work the hardware in software.
I'd assume the roster of talent isn't that deep, perhaps you can see if any of thehttp://www.st.com/web/en/support/mcu_design_consultants.html
have specific experience in this area.2015-08-14 12:24 PM
Thanks clive but I didnt have that in mind.
Nevertheless, SPDIFRX is the interface that ST has provided ZERO examples so far, thus I do hope for ( and expect) some help regardless of 'roaster of talent'.