2008-03-28 2:47 PM
analog setting for digital pins
2011-05-17 3:27 AM
i don't think there's anything to prevent setting digital pins as analog inputs. would that turn the schmitt-trigger input buffer off and render the pin insensitive to voltage? (ie: solve the what-to-do-with-N/C-pins issue?)2011-05-17 3:27 AM
from the ref man (5.3.1 Using OSC32_IN/OSC32_OUT pins as GPIO ports PC14/PC15):
''Note: 1 The PC14/PC15 GPIO functionality is lost when the 1.8 V domain is powered off (by entering standby mode) or when the backup domain is supplied by VBAT (VDD no more supplied). In this case the IOs are set in analog input mode.'' analog input mode? but PC14/15 are not analog pins; maybe digital pins can be safely set to analog to turn of the schmitt-trigger?