2018-07-02 9:17 AM
Hi All,
I have a DevKit407 (STM32F407G-DISC1 + STM32F4DIS-BB) and I'm working with AN3966.
I'm using the newest version of TrueSTUDIO
Exactly, I'm trying to run httpserver_socket (with FreeRTOS) over Board.
I know that there are a lot of threads about this topic, but I can not get to run it.
My problem is that app not compile. After import project from source code examples of AN3966 (stsw-stm32070), when I try to compile the IDE said some files are not found.. for example:
..\..\..\..\..\..\Utilities\Third_Party\lwip-1.4.1\src\core\ipv4\inet.c:41:23: fatal error: lwip/inet.h: No such file or directory
But the code is just imported from example...
I tried to modify the MCU the exact model, but I got the same error.
And, I tried to make a simply led blinking from STm32CubeMX and it works.
I think that it has to be a 'easy' step, simply run a example, so I think that maybe I'm skiping some step.
Please can you help me?
(Sorry if the solution is already posted, but I found for a lot of hours, and I didn't find the solution)
#atollic-truestudio #devkit407 #lwip #an39662018-07-02 10:27 PM
The F407 Discovery itself has no Ethernet, so ST's Firmware package has no ..\Utilities\Third_Party\lwip-xxx sources.
There is a firmware package for the STM32F4DIS-BB board, downloadable somewhere on the Element14 webpage.
Pretty sure you can find it yourself.
Last time I tried the ethernet/webserver example from that package build 'out of the box'.
2018-07-03 1:19 AM
Dear AvaTar,
thanks for your feedback.
But, I have full source code for lwip-xxx. I can see all files.
I downloaded the example from
Furthemore, when I follow the error that shows the console I can open the file that compiler says 'not found'.
So, I think it's a problem of include path in example, but I don't understand. It's a ST official ApplicationNote, it has to be 'plug&play'.
Someone check AN3966 over F407Dis with TrueStudio (Version: 9.0.1 Build id: 20180420-1214). I'm work over Win10
2018-07-03 1:43 AM
So, I think it's a problem of include path in example, but I don't understand. It's a ST official ApplicationNote, it has to be 'plug&play'.
Does it come with a project/workspace for Truestudio ?
I guess you expect a bit much here ... ;)
Adding an include path is a simple exercise. I use Crossworks, wich has no 'out of the box' support from ST. For porting aproject, I always spent the first 15 minutes assembling the source files, include paths and link libraries.
2018-07-03 3:55 AM
Yes, the example has a
TrueSTUDIO project file.
I have reach to compile the source, the 'error' was at import project. I did Import from 'Existing Projects into Workspace' and I didn't reach to compile. Now I import the project as 'Projects from Folder or Archive', so I can import and compile the file. (And, I think TrueSTUDIO has some problems with linked files....)
Only I need to modify a timeval include struct (it is documented in the code), to use the private definition or the same of system.
Now the code compiles, but it doesn't work. I think that I understand 'the problem', the
example is not ported to DevKit407, and when I change platform in TrueSTUDIO, the example not has under ifdef the pinouts.
So I think the problem is 'solved'.
2018-07-03 5:02 AM
I did Import from 'Existing Projects into Workspace' and I didn't reach to compile. Now I import the project as 'Projects from Folder or Archive', so I can import and compile the file. (And, I think TrueSTUDIO has some problems with linked files....)
The awkward project import is one of the weak points of Eclipse IMHO.
And many paths (sources, include, libs) are expanded using Eclipse-owned shell variables, with unclear project inheritance.