2013-11-25 1:53 AM
Hello everyone ,
I have connected my ADC source in STM32F4 - Discovery Board at PC2 pin. I want to transfer this through UART to PC. I have configured PA9 and PA10 as USART1 TX and RX pin . But I am getting nothing at PC terminal .What could be the problem ?int main(void) { ADC3_CH12_DMA_Config(); /* Start ADC3 Software Conversion */ ADC_SoftwareStartConv(ADC3); init_usart1(); /* convert the ADC value (from 0 to 0xFFF) to a voltage value (from 0V to 3.3V)*/ ADC3ConvertedVoltage = ADC3ConvertedValue *3300/0xFFF; SendAsciiDataToPC(ADC3ConvertedVoltage); UartSendData('\n'); }} #adc #uart #discovery-board2013-11-25 5:01 AM
Apart from being hopelessly incomplete expression of the code, the biggest problem will be that PA9 is not a viable pin for the USART on the STM32F4-Discovery board.