2009-10-19 5:11 AM
Accessing GPIO Register via debugger
2011-05-17 4:27 AM
hey guys,
I need your help considering debug and bit manipulation. I´m able to read and write bits in the RAM Area and now I want to toggle bits in certain registers eg. in the GPIO Register. It seems to be a write protection when I trie to set a bit in GPIOB_ODR15. I know that this pin is connected with an LED on my DEV Board STM32-SK. I haven´t done a lot with ST controllers so I dont know exactly what to do for accessing I/O ports. (All I have to do is working with the debugger and writing/reading registers) I guess I have to change something within the CPU registers right? Would be nice if someone could give me a hint!!2011-05-17 4:27 AM
In comparision to other micros, the peripherals are connected to diffrent internal peripheral bus systems. If the APB2 peripheral clock enable register is not initialized for spezific GPIO Port, the register return value may always read 0x0000
2011-05-17 4:27 AM
On 19-10-2009 at 15:44, Anonymous wrote: In comparision to other micros, the peripherals are connected to diffrent internal peripheral bus systems. If the APB2 peripheral clock enable register is not initialized for spezific GPIO Port, the register return value may always read 0x0000 that works perfect for me! thx dude