2024-07-07 7:14 PM
I use STM32F030C8T6 recently, and uses GPIOC14,GPIOC15 as input(include interrupt,to wake up STOP MODE); Before IAP,program running correct,GPIO14 and GPIO15 wake up the program correctly. But when I use IAP to download the program,and jump to run it, the GPIO14,GPIO15 can not wake up the program(can not wake up is the only problem,others are all correct,interrups are also correct too) . I try to do many methods,but failed.
2024-07-07 7:46 PM
>>I try to do many methods, but failed.
Ok, so that tells us absolutely nothing useful, just you failed at it.
Show the code that causes it to fail. Perhaps pay attention to if you enable the LSE in that code.