2017-01-13 10:42 AM
Hello All,
I am working on LwIP application with STM32F429 Nucleo Kit.
I am able to establish the connection and communicate with external client/server without any issues.
But now, I need it to be tested with socket communication within the same board using the same system IP or Localhost using IP address127.0.0.1. I tried with different options (1. starting both threads at same time, 2. starting client thread after kicking the server thread, as shown below) but no success.
Now, I got a fundamental doubt that, is LwIP with FreeRTOS can support with this feature or not. If yes, can someone suggest how to make it work please? A quick response is highly appreciated.
Below is the code snippet I am using for my testing:
Both of these are stuck at bold highlighted lines and timed out after 20seconds. Further debugging through the source code is failed at taking the semaphore at:
TCPIP_APIMSG(&API_MSG_VAR_REF(msg), lwip_netconn_do_connect, err);
in function
netconn_connect(struct netconn *conn, const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port)
Thank you!
#define SENDER_PORT_NUM 1000
#define SERVER_PORT_NUM 1000
#define SERVER_IP_ADDRESS ''char data_buffer1[80];
char data_buffer2[80];void OSAL_ServerSocket(void *pvParameters)
{ int _socket_fd; struct sockaddr_in client; int clientFd; socklen_t len = sizeof(client); BaseType_t taskStatus; vTaskDelay(1000); printSerial (PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Enter\n\r'); _socket_fd = lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(_socket_fd >= 0) { printSerial (PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Server Socket created\n\r'); struct sockaddr_in myaddr; memset((char*)&myaddr, 0, sizeof(myaddr)); memset(&myaddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; myaddr.sin_port = htons(SENDER_PORT_NUM); myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SERVER_IP_ADDRESS);//htonl(INADDR_ANY);//Now bind to the port and listen
if((lwip_bind(_socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&myaddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) < 0) || (lwip_listen(_socket_fd, 5) < 0)) { printSerial(PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_RED 'Error: ' PRN_NORMAL 'Failed to Bind\n\r'); lwip_close(_socket_fd); } else { printSerial(PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Bind and listening to port (%d)\n\r', SENDER_PORT_NUM); } } taskStatus = xTaskCreate (OSAL_ClientSocket, 'OSAL LWIP Client', configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE*2, (void*)NULL, osPriorityNormal+1, NULL); if (pdPASS == taskStatus) { printSerial(PRN_NORMAL '[' PRN_GREEN ' ok ' PRN_NORMAL '] Task - 'OSAL LWIP Client' created\n\r'); } else { printSerial(PRN_NORMAL '[' PRN_RED 'fail' PRN_NORMAL '] Task - 'OSAL LWIP Client' created\n\r'); }while(1)
{ printSerial(PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Before accept\n\r'); clientFd = lwip_accept(_socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&client, &len); ///////////////////////////////// printSerial(PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'After accept\n\r'); if(clientFd < 0) { printSerial(PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_RED 'Error: ' PRN_NORMAL 'accept failed\n'); lwip_close(_socket_fd); } else { printSerial(PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'accepted the request\n\r'); break; } }while(1)
{ printSerial(PRN_CYAN 'Server Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Waiting at Server Loop\r'); vTaskDelay(1000); }}void OSAL_ClientSocket(void *pvParameters)
{ printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Enter\n\r'); vTaskDelay(2000); struct sockaddr_in server;printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Before Create\n\r');
int sock_client_fd = lwip_socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(sock_client_fd < 0) { printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_RED 'Error: ' PRN_NORMAL 'SocketCreation\n\r'); } { printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Created\n\r'); }memset((char*)&server, 0, sizeof(server));
server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(SERVER_IP_ADDRESS); if (server.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_NONE) { //Couldnt translate the ip.. return failure printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_RED 'Error: ' PRN_NORMAL 'IP Translation: '); } server.sin_port = htons(SERVER_PORT_NUM); printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Before Connect\n\r'); if(lwip_connect(sock_client_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&server, sizeof(server)) < 0) //////////////////////////////////////////// { printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_RED 'Error: ' PRN_NORMAL 'Connect\n\r'); } else { printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Connected\n\r'); while(1) { printSerial(PRN_MAGENTA 'Client Socket - ' PRN_NORMAL 'Waiting at Client Loop\n\r'); vTaskDelay(1000); } } while(1) { vTaskDelay(100); }}2017-01-13 10:49 AM
Just to add to the question: The response with timeout I received was 'Connection aborted.' - ERR_ABRT.