2022-02-04 1:01 AM
Hello all,
When searching for a book about embedded programming on Nucelo-64 boards, they will be many ones coming up, but I don't know which one to choose. I was going to start by Mastering STM32 Release 0.26 by Carmine Noviello but probably it's not a good choice for beginners of that area.
Please introduce me a good book about embedded programming on Nucelo-64 to stick with as a starter.
2022-02-04 1:11 AM
NUCLEO boards are actually intended as a development aid.
Typically, one chooses a suitable STM32 derivative according to one's requirements and can then start software development with the NUCLEOs while the layout of one's own hardware is being developed. In this respect, you rather need an introduction to the respective STM32 family, where you can find a lot of documentation, also here in the community, e.g. here or there.
2022-02-04 5:14 AM
I've already seen some of those pages. As for the Nucleo board, I have STM32F411RE, so went for this tut, did the blinky project and then proceeded until reached this project, for which more devices are required to be done, so I had to stop. Ergo, frankly speaking, it seems the only project that is doable for this board alone, is blinking its LED and to go further we need more embedded devices, e.g., few sensors or other (cheap) stuff, at least.
To make progress, it's expected to deal with PWM signals, SPI bus, ADC channels, UART and so on. Therefore, I guess a good reference is essential for a very beginner of embedded programming like me, and books are the best references supposedly. As I mentioned earlier, there're many books teaching embedded programming on STM32 Nucelo-64 boards. What I need is that you please introduce me one of them which is up to date and good for my situation. Reading that book and studying embedded programming will result in good knowledge to be able to select a good second project for the board and purchase other hardware devices for which is required.
PS: Why doesn't this forum have the auto-save feature for the posts. I was going to finish my writing that mistakenly closed the browser tab to look into another and when I reentered the current post everything had been vanished! :| (Had to write from beginning)
2022-02-06 12:25 PM
It makes me quite sad albeit you've written the motto "Get Answers. Learn, Share, and Collaborate ..." on your ST community panel, I get no final answer for my questions here! Where did you start learning embedded programming? There has been a first place for each and every one of you (including me), yeah?
So why don't you share it with me to pursue the same way? Why can't I get answers here which is the main site for the board I've bought and am using now!?
Let me come down to a simple path. I've chosen the book "Mastering STM32 by Carmine Noviello Release 0.26" but it's not quite suitable for beginners, it's very good though. Just tell me some resource/tutorial or anything else to learn and then be able to continue reading that book.
I hope it's not very hard to give me some pieces of advice according to your experience, please.
2022-02-06 1:41 PM
>>It makes me quite sad albeit you've written the motto "Get Answers. Learn, Share, and Collaborate ..." on your ST community panel, I get no final answer for my questions here!
Unfortunately that's what I'd describe as an "unfunded mandate". Forums can be funny places, and you may or may not find people who want to interact with you, or have constituency with you. Getting no answers is a distinct possibility, forums are filled with people with their own problems. Complaining about people not wanting to interact with you will tend to be self-reinforcing. Forums are good places to FIND answers, not ask the same questions, asked dozens or hundreds of times before, hoping for it to personally re-explained. Long standing and experienced members are deep into "Groundhog Day", your own teachers, mentors and colleagues might be a better place to start, and have a better gauge of where you are in your journey.
>>There has been a first place for each and every one of you (including me), yeah?
Perhaps, but it's an incremental journey, and jumping in the middle of an ocean isn't a good place to start learning to swim.I started on a small Island.
Schools are a good place to master "learning how to learn", and I was never at school to learn embedded.. If you can't find resources that suit your learning style in the era of the internet, you've got some serious problem.
There's unlikely to be ONE book that explains everything in sufficient detail that doesn't alienate most potential consumers. Better to find a dozen perspectives and navigate/triangulate those to mold your own understanding, based on what you already know. There's certainly not some magic solution here, only ones which take effort and commitment.
I learned how micro-controllers worked in secondary school when I was 14, and could do machine code and assembler on several MCU, as well as BASIC and PASCAL before doing C in college. I also built several computers from individually wired ICs decades before the SoC designs you want to master today.
Carmine's book might be great, It's not one I've read/need. Geoffrey Brown also has a really good college level coverage of early STM32 boards. https://legacy.cs.indiana.edu/~geobrown/book.pdf
I found Joseph Yiu's books on the Cortex-Mx a good counter perspective from the ARM TRM. The ST "Programming Manuals" are their interpretation of those TRM. The "Reference Manuals" cover the peripherals in enough detail to pivot from some other MCU you have some foundation with. Authors like Zaks, Leventhal and Furber might be instructive.