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2019 STM32 Code example wish list


Here is an attempt to collect wishes for Cube application code examples:

  • What peripheral(s)
  • What the code should demonstrate functionality in details (and how it can be reused/modified)
  • Should the example runs on a reference board? Any specific HW components to be populated on board?

Let's see....


How about a WORKING example for Lwip+FreeRTOS with HTTP server?

Currently selecting these choices in CubeMX results in:

  • a non-buildable project because fsdata.c is missing (for heavens sake, provide a default/example!!)
  • a non-functioning executable (because there's no LWIP thread started)
Associate II

USB HS Audio v1.0 example on any STM32F7 board would be of great help. Also examples of USB High Speed High Bandwidth (3 1k packets per micro frame) example would be extremely useful so that we can utilize closer to the full potential of the USB HS interface.

Laurent Co
ST Employee


Some elements to fuel the post:

Our strategy is to offer a significant number of examples covering a maximum of our Silicon IPs and their features

-         Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) based

-         Low Level (LL) based

-         Middleware (MW) based

-         Demo: often a mix of several complex features

Our projects are compiled with 3 IDEs (Keil, Ewarm, gcc based) – The versions can change over the time.

Those examples are available into the CubeFirwmware packages, available on your product page of

In addition, we are in the process to use STM32CubeMX to generate those examples (this is already the case for SMT32G0 product and the new 2019 products will have examples in STM32CubeMX format).

Any feedback is of course welcome




The very first goal of this tool is to provide initialization code. To achieve fully functional code, you need to develop your own applicative part or start from functional examples already available in the STM32 MCU Packages (ex: STM32CubeF4).

We are also working to make these examples directly accessible from CubeMX, which, I think, should answer your need.


Here is a working example with source code and an .IOC file for latest version of CubeMX .

The Phy adapter is a LAN8720A in RMI (reduced media interface mode) connected to a STM32F407VE. Both chips are on cheap chinese modules bought from ebay.

This example works fine in Atolic True Studio for STM32 V9.0 ( also in MDK V5.x)

In this example HTTP Daemon has a minimal functionality. Serves the main page in pure HTML, an image and a 404.html page with their headers embeded inside fs.c module.

I have enabled some basic debug functionality (DHCP and HTTPD) . You can retarget the stdout to e.g. ITM or to a serial port or other, by writing a litle piece of code. (to use ITM, PB3 must be connected to JTDO/SWO pin of your debuger.

To use this example , after download it to MCU, connect the LAN port with a cable it to a DHCP server(usually your home's internet router). Reset the STM device to take an IP V4 address(Lwip dhcp is configured to auto), Find this address by looking at your router's site, and use a browser to connect to this address.

In near future i will publish an Http server with more functionalities and combined with a SD card for file system.



I have been trying to get QSPI to work but have found no useful example of using the Quad SPI device in the L4xx family except in L496/475 Discovery boards. I'm not using a device that has the kitchen sink, the L412 to L452 all have QSPI devices yet none have examples of QSPI. For every 'device' in a MCU there should be an example regardless of what the device is suppose to be talking to or doing.