2022-04-14 10:24 AM
2022-04-14 2:20 PM
What programs? CubeIDE? What error message do you see?
2022-08-10 4:52 AM
We are sorry that you encounter this issue. It is STMicroelectronics’ policy to comply with all applicable trade laws and regulations of the jurisdictions where we operate our business. In response to the recent sanctions against Russia and Belarus imposed by the EU, US and other countries, STMicroelectronics has restricted the access of ST technology and software to ensure compliance with the new measures and due diligence requirements. It may be possible that the problems you describe are linked to this reason.
This support forum is not the right place for political discussions and I have purged inappropriate and offending comments.
Many thanks
2022-11-18 8:58 PM
Why am I denied access to download free software, even if I have registered?