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How to setup project for TouchGFX AND Audio Output

Associate III

Hi All,

I want to start a project using TouchGFX, but it must also contain Audio Output on the headphone jack of my STM32F746G-DISCO board.

I managed to get these two things to work separately: The TouchGFX part using TouchGFX Designer, and the Audio Output using CubeIDE and an example project.

However, I cannot figure out how to get the sound output into my TouchGFX project! My approach is to call the appropriate BSP function (BSP_Audio_Out_Init / BSP_Audio_Out_Play) in the Model class of TouchGFX. Obviously, I need to include the necessary header files etc. - but that's where I run into problems. There are multiple dependencies so adding all manually is difficult and error-prone. And even if I manage to do all this, I'm getting compile/linker errors that I don't understand.

So my question is: Is there any automated way I can set up my project so I can use the Audio BSP functions from my TouchGFX code?

ST Employee

Hello @JLubb.1​ ,

Please you can refer to the available examples in the STM32F7 CubeFW :

For audio : Playback and record : STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.17.0\Projects\STM32746G-Discovery\Applications\Audio

You can use the code the code from the TouchGFX and use the Audio BSP functions.


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Associate III

Hi, thanks for the quick reply.

This was of course the first thing I tried. But this is exactly what does NOT work. The audio example app was even a pain to get running as a single app (without TouchGFX).

There are examples for either audio or TouchGFX, but nothing with both and combining the examples doesn't work.