2024-03-14 2:54 AM
Good morning
I am in the process of building another CNC milling machine. For the two largest stepper motors , I would like to use X-Nucleo-IHM03A1 drivers connected to the Stm32 board. I initially looked at the capabilities of IHM03A1 and batch files for Stm32CubeIDE.
I have a question:
Can IHM03A1 be controlled via Stm32 board from an external motion controller , for example by providing an external PULSE signal to the STCK pin ?
Thank you in advance
2024-03-15 2:54 AM
Welcome @Janusz53, to the community!
Which STM32 board did you connect the X-NUCLEO-IHM03A1 to? If it is a NUCLEO board, you should be able to use it to control the X-NUCLEO?