2019-11-05 4:46 PM
Compile error is:
make[1]: *** No rule to make target 'C:/Users/david/STM32CubeIDE/workspace_1.1.0/SPIN3201/SDK5x - STEVAL-SPIN3201 - BullRunning/Drivers/STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm32f0xx_hal_exti.c', needed by 'Drivers/STM32F0xx_HAL_Driver/stm32f0xx_hal_exti.o'. Stop. SDK5x - STEVAL-SPIN3201 - BullRunning C/C++ Problem
The missing file (stm32f0xx_hal_exti.c) is located in a directory that was included in the project properties, both in the PATH of the C/C++ Build Environment and the INCLUDES of the C/C++ General Paths and Symbols:
But based on the error message, it seems it has not found the module. What is missing?
The process is using the Motor Control Workbench that calls STM32CubeMX that then opens the project in STM32CubeIDE with TrueSTUDIO Toolchain.
2019-11-13 6:23 AM
This problem seems to have been resolved for STEVAL-ESC001V1 with the latest version of MCSDK version 5.4.2. See: https://community.st.com/s/question/0D70X000007PUYq/errors-compiling-with-stmcubeide-likely-because-module-libraries-arent-included-how-do-you-include-missing-libraries-or-could-it-be-something-else?s1oid=00Db0000000YtG6&s1nid=0DB0X000000DYbd&emkind=chatterCommentNotification&s1uid=0050X000008Ails&e...
The STEVAL-SPIN3201 and STEVAL-SPIN3204 still generate the same error.
2021-06-15 1:05 AM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards