2014-06-29 8:11 PM
I use STM3210E debugging of motor, encountered a problem. I try to change the start / stop input keys, but still use the original IO pin.2014-06-29 11:56 PM
Ciao Jacky
I'm sorry but due to time constrain this feature has not implemented in the FW even if it is ready in the WB side. Ciao Gigi2014-06-30 3:42 AM
2014-06-30 11:36 PM
Ciao Jacky
The DMA is really needed to read the ADC converted value? Usually an IRQ can be sufficient. Moreover (I think you did it) you need to take in consideration that some resources of the micro is reserved for the motor control. The resource used depend on the microcontroller used and on the configuration. In many case the ADC1 is used by the motor control and to use it for user conversion you need to use the API of the motor control (Take a look at the MC.h and to the software examples). Ciao Gigi2014-07-01 3:58 AM
Thank you for your reply , I use the following statement, successfully read ADC value, I did the right thing? oADCMeasurement = MCT_GetPWMnCurrFdbk(oMCT[0]); PWMC_ADC_SetSamplingTime(oADCMeasurement,potChannelParameters); temp= PWMC_ExecRegularConv(oCurrSensor[0], ADC_Channel_1); If I want to adjust the motor speed, can read ADC value is converted into velocity parameters, the input to the MCI_ExecSpeedRamp ( )?Ciao Jacky
The DMA is really needed to read the ADC converted value? Usually an IRQ can be sufficient. Moreover (I think you did it) you need to take in consideration that some resources of the micro is reserved for the motor control. The resource used depend on the microcontroller used and on the configuration. In many case the ADC1 is used by the motor control and to use it for user conversion you need to use the API of the motor control (Take a look at the MC.h and to the software examples). Ciao Gigi2014-07-01 5:11 AM
Ciao Jacky
Take a look at Project\STM32_SDK_Examples\Potentiometer I suggest to use MC_RequestRegularConv (MC_RegularConvState, MC_GetRegularConv) instead of PWMC_ExecRegularConv Ciao Gigi2014-07-01 7:34 PM
Thank you very much, reference examples, I have successfully used potentiometer adjustment motor.2021-06-27 10:49 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards