2022-02-21 12:05 AM
I want to use two powerstep01 or L6470P drivers to make circle on my cnc. Can I do it using SPI not step/dir interface?
2022-02-22 3:38 AM
Yes, you can control both the powerSTEP01 and the L6470 via SPI.
There are also STM32Cube libraries for both:
Does it answer your question?
2022-02-22 8:03 AM
I now that I can communicate with two drivers via spi. But I want communicate via SPI to draw circle. I plan to make cnc.
2022-02-22 8:19 AM
Well, that's partly a question of how the motor controlled by the drivers mechanically drives the drawing pen. Only you know your overall system and how the motor has to be controlled to get the movement you want.
However, your original question was: Can I do it using SPI?
2022-02-22 11:02 AM
I plan to build classical cartesian coordinate cnc. Example
Can I drive X motor and Y motor via SPI to draw circle?
I can to set constant max velocity, constant acceleration, constant deceleration. I know equation x^2+y^2=R^2 but... Do anyone understand which mathematics needs to use to drive 2 stepper motors to draw circle?