2016-02-18 11:17 AM
I'm using the ST Motor Control Workbench with STEVAL-IFN003V1 and my bus voltage is reading above the threshold but the Under Voltage fault light is constantly on even if I disable the low voltage checking in the settings. What could the issue be? Also, is there any documentation available to explain what these faults mean exactly and how to use the application?
Thanks #steval-ifn003v12016-04-01 6:47 AM
Ciao Daniel
Usually in this case the point can be that the settled threshold that you think is not the one that the FW is using. The reason need to be discovered... maybe you generate the .h file in some location and compile a project in another location. Or you set one value in Power Stage section while in the Drive management->Sensing Enabling and Firmware protection setting there is another setting... To be sure on what is happening you can take a look to the generated .h file. In Drive parameters.h there are the define of the Over and Under voltage threshold... and you can also take a look at the beginning of the Drive parameters.h to understand if it has been generate from the correct WB project... and you can try to change something even manually (and even wrong) to verify that there is the error in the compilation (and verify in this way that you are compiling the correct file). Ciao Gigi2021-06-27 8:58 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards