2014-09-09 10:22 AM
I am trying to use the motor conrol foc library found in stsw-stm32003. I am using an stm32f103 and am failing to understand the steps required to use the parameter files generated by the workbench so that I can use the serial monitor part of the gui. This is a custom board, so there is no LCD interface option.
Can someone point me to the project and application files I must use to get a serial connection?I have verified the serial connectivity using a different embedded application, but the documentation doesn't seem very clear where I get the code to talk on the ST side of the serial link. The best I can tell just from poking around is that I should use the following workspace:C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\FOC SDK\STM32 PMSM FOC LIBv4.0\Web\Project\EWARM\STM32F10x_Workspace.ewwAnd I can get that to build and run, but can't get it to establish a serial link. But it looks like there are some other steps I may need to get that example project to do anything. Can anyone help or point me to documentation that might help? Thanks #foc-serial-protocol #smt32f013-workbench-foc-serial2014-09-11 4:38 AM
The STMCWB helps you a lot. On ''Drive Management - User Inteface Add On'' you can uncheck LCD and check serial communication.
In ''Control Stage -Digital IO'' you can connect your UART setup.The Workbench connects over the serial protocol and you can parametrize, start and stop your motor.The documentation of the protocol you find in the menu of STMCWB ''Documentation - User Manual'' in chapter 14.2014-09-18 5:54 AM
Yes, I am using the motor control workbench, but it only generates a set of parameter files. I can't seem to find any direction on where to integrate those parameter files.
Basically, what has to run on the target side to talk to the workbench? Do I need any particular example applications running? I think I figured out what I need for the most part through by poking around in the ST install folder, but it certainly wasn't clearly documented with workbench what I was supposed to do with the generated files.2014-09-22 2:03 AM
Ciao Justin
The FW need to be configured by the STMCWB according your system (HW and Motor). To do this is necessary to fill the WB and generate the parameter files in the proper folder ''SystemDriveParams'' (replacing the older files). Don't forget, as mention by Christian to disable the LCD and enable the serial communication. Then you need to use an IDE, like IAR or KEIL, to compile the FW and download it on the microcontroller (the IAR workspace for the STM32F103 micro family is located in EWARM\STM32F10x_Workspace.eww as you write) After that you can comunicate with the FW using the STMCWB monitor features using a RS232 connection. All this steps are explained in the UM1052 and in the quick start UM1080, present in the installation path under the Docs folder. Ciao Gigi2021-06-17 2:02 AM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards