2021-06-06 1:26 PM
2021-06-08 1:34 AM
Dear @.ADMA.1
Welcome to the STM32 Community
Could you give more details to the STM32 Community about your setup -the material you use- ?
(HW and also SW: CPU(s), tools and versions, board(s), motor(s) and so on)
Best regards
2021-06-08 2:56 AM
I use nucleo--G431RB, and X-NUCLEO-IHM07M1, with Maxon motor.
I would like to operate the motor with SIX-STEP control and Hall sensors.
Thank you,
2021-06-08 12:19 PM
Hello Laurent,
The Atollic truestudio IDE 9.3.0 is used for developing the sources.
The tests are done on the NUCLEO-F439ZI board, the opimization level is O3.
To start I have used Cube-MX to generate a default project for the NUCLEO-F429 board.
To this default project i have added the per_f4_c directories, and added functions to test this HAL library.
The library is also usable for other F4's you only have to limit yourself to the available peripherals :)
The bsp_... files show examples of how to use the library for a specific board.
Comparison between the functions:
HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(USER_Btn_GPIO_Port, USER_Btn_Pin);
Show a 50% performance and 40% footprint improvement.
Best regards,